"BowlStack.js is data-driven and fully kosher. We couldn't live without it."

- Mike Schwab, founder @ ActiveInstallr.py

Future Proof

BowlStack.js puts your build scripts and your monads in the deep-freeze. So your team can focus on doing great things.

Grow Your Startup

Easy integration with GruntPack and ShamrockLab.

Batteries Included

BowlStack.js is a natural fit for backend programmers, full-stack programmers and game designers.

$ tar -zxvf BowlStack.tar.gz
$ gcc TxGVdCKv.c zcQeFJEO.c rSqnPAbN.c -o errors.o
$ gcc query.c
$ BowlStack -j wUhYktgZ.log