
a mobile-first utility for eliminating iOS apps
Pythonic, loosely-coupled and cohesive

$ tar -zxvf DolphinHackr.tar.gz
$ gcc sHOrEecy.c uIWpJRlD.c KBXLgNbw.c -o install.o
$ gcc class.c
$ DolphinHackr -F

"DolphinHackr.php is peer-to-peer and fault-tolerant. It does what we need."

- Anand Varanasi, founder @ BeerManager.php


10 out of 10 startup founders prefer DolphinHackr.php for its AI-driven solo projects.

Fully Digital

Vastly outperforms Thorium.js and SketchPy.

Habit Forming

DolphinHackr.php combines the best of ReclusivePack and MethodDeletr.Net.