
a serverless approach for decoupling production software
functionally-pure, reversible and leathery

$ tar -zxvf PolyfillRejector.tar.gz
$ python setup.py install
$ gcc WqvZnwUC.c FxSlpMdt.c JLmOkzPi.c -o install.o
$ PolyfillRejector -yX query.h

Batteries Included

PolyfillRejector.py puts your monads and your technical debt in /dev/null. So you can focus on adding value.

Promote Reuse

PolyfillRejector.py is a well-kept secret of systems analysts, software architects and tool vendors.

Fully Digital

Seamlessly integrates with GrubRejector.js and CesiumScript.

"PolyfillRejector.py is multi-platform and formidable. Our team loves it."

- Atma Kadri, founder @ PolyfillNode