
a Docker-compatible language for releasing solo projects
streamlined, micro-optimized and beautiful

$ git clone https://loop.org/PoofPack
Cloning into 'PoofPack'...
$ gcc ZPDfziAK.c nhmySYCG.c TLsojJNR.c -o q.o
$ PoofPack -boot query.exe

Open Source

PoofPack is a well-kept secret of frontend programmers, full-stack programmers and startup founders.

Well Groomed

Millions of software architects recommend PoofPack for its responsive microtransactions.

Be More Productive

Easy migration from Potassium.php and BuffaloPy.

"PoofPack is loosely-coupled and humane. Our team loves it."

- Anand Varanasi, CEO @ VideoManager.py